Government Perspective
- What have been the recent successes in infrastructuredevelopment?
- What are the challenges in the way of faster development?
- What steps are being taken or are under consideration?
- What can the industry expect going forward?
Financing of Infrastructure
- What are the recent trends in financing infrastructure?
- What are the new and emerging sources of finance?
- Which ones have the most potential and why?
- What has been the progress on new structures such asInvITs, IDFs, etc.?
- What steps can be taken to reduce the current stress,attract capital flows and stimulate investments?
Enabling PPPs
- What lessons can be learnt from the PPP experience sofar? What can we realistically expect from future PPPs?
- What has been the lender/investor/developer interest inPPPs (brownfield/greenfield)?
- What changes are required in policy and approach toencourage developer/investor interest?
Public Asset Monetisation & Recycling
- What are the government objectives with respect to publicasset monetisation and recycling?
- What are some of the structures/strategies (ToT, InvITs,disinvestment, etc.) that can be used for asset monetisation?
- Which public assets (core/non-core) would be the mostappropriate for the government to take up for monetisation?
- What are the sector-specific issues in asset monetisation?
Foreign Investor Perspective
- What are the trends in foreign investments ininfrastructure?
- What is the stance of various investor groups (developers,PE funds, multilateral agencies, etc.)? Which sectors arethe most attractive?
- What are the issues, challenges, risks and concerns? Howcan they be addressed?
Reviving Construction
- What are the key challenges currently being faced by theconstruction sector?
- What measures are needed for the revival of activity?
- What can be done to improve the financing scenario?
- How can project award and implementation be fast-tracked?
- What can be done to mitigate the impact of disputes giventhe current difficult scenario?
Focus on Distressed Projects
- What has been the impact of Covid-19 on distressedprojects?
- Have some projects become distressed because of Covid-19?
- Which resolution strategies have been more successful?
- What has been the experience with IBC?
- What has been the investment appetite for these assets?
Municipal Financing: Challenges and Solutions
- What has been the experience so far?
- What are the recent trends and developments?
- How has municipal financing evolved over the last decade?
- What are the key risks and challenges? How can they beaddressed?
- What can be learnt from the successes and failures?
Ports |
Oil and Gas |
Roads |
Airports |
Electricity |
Renewable Energy |
This series will consist of separate session with five to six states. The selection of states will depend partly upon the interest of the state in participating, the level of opportunity presented and its policies and programmes. In the opening session, we will also have a presentation on comparative analysis of infrastructure development in states, focusing on both opportunities and challenges facing state-led projects. This series will be organised in association with IIFCL Projects Ltd.
Key Sessions
- Contract Design, Structure and Management (including learnings from the Covid-19 experience)
- Dispute Resolution: Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation
- Labour Laws and Challenges
The above-mentioned sessions will be covering the following topics:
- Modifications in Existing Contracts - Learnings from Covid-19
- Contract Enforcement Challenges
- Contract Design and Structure
- Contract Administration, Management and Enforcement
- Minimising Disputes
- Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
- Interim Relief in Construction Disputes
- Mediation/Conciliation of Construction Disputes
- Force Majeure